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Home >> Practices >> Mergers and Acquisitions - Non-Financial Institutions >> Helen Hai-ning Huang
黃海寧 Helen Hai-Ning Huang

Helen Hai-ning Huang

Senior Attorney


Helen is a senior associate at Lee and Li and a member of the firm's Corporate and Investment Department and Energy Law practice group. She majored in public international law and WTO law at National Taiwan University, and studied environmental and climate law and policy as well as administrative law and regulation at Harvard Law School.

Helen's practice encompasses renewable energy projects, cross-border M&A, foreign investment, international trade law and administrative law. Helen is well experienced in the electric power sector and energy related laws and regulations. She has assisted a number of domestic and international clients in developing and investing in renewable energy projects in Taiwan, including utility-scale onshore and offshore wind farms (+10 projects), various solar projects (+40 projects), hydro power (1 project), and other types of renewable energies and IPP projects.

Helen has been actively involved in the public interests cases, in which she has assisted a number of organizations in special case projects and the research of key polices and legislations. Helen is a long-term advocate of climate change and energy transition, and has been closely following up on the major policy and regulatory development domestically and globally. Helen also advises industries and businesses on the legal and regulatory impacts of Taiwan Net Zero and ESG laws and policies.



Energy Law; Environmental and Climate Law; International Trade Law; Administrative Law and Proceedings; Renewable Energy Projects; Government Contracts; Mergers & Acquisitions; Corporate Investment


Vice chairman, International Law Committee of Taipei Bar Association
Committee member, Environmental Law Committee of Taiwan Bar Association
Law clerk, Center for Biological Diversity, Climate Law Institute, Washington D.C. Office


Admitted to Taiwan Bar Association (2013)


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